Nature Commun | 福建农林大学许卫锋团队与中国农科院程锋团队发布白羽扇豆高质量基因组,解析低磷适应机制
期刊:Nature Communications
标题:The genome evolution and low-phosphorus adaptation in white lupin
0.1mM KCl,0.1mM CaCl2、0.1mM MgCl2、0.5mM NaCl,0.3mM MES,0.2mM Na2SO4,pH 6.0
白羽扇豆(羽扇豆(Lupinus albus))是一种豆科植物,可生长簇状根,在低磷土壤中具有较高的磷(P)利用效率(PUE)。
( b ) Hydrolytic activity and H+ flux rate of PM H+-ATPase in different types of roots. n = 3 plants for PM ATPaseactivity and 4 plants for H+ flux . ( c ) Effects of vanadate ( Na3VO4 , inhibitor of P-type ATPase ) on H+ flux rate and cluster root formation in white lupin under P sufficient and deficient condition. n = 4 plants . Error bars indicate s.e. m., P value was calculated using the unpaired two-sided Student's t-test . + PR , P sufficient roots ; - PNR , P deficientmomal roots ; -PCR P deficient cluster roots ; Lane 1 . + PR ; Lane 2 , - PNR ; Lane 3,PCR . Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
White lupin (Lupinus albus) is a legume crop that develops cluster roots and has high phosphorus (P)-use efficiency (PUE) in low-P soils.
Here, we assemble the genome of white lupin and find that it has evolved from a whole-genome triplication (WGT) event. We then decipher its diploid ancestral genome and reconstruct the three sub genomes.
Based on the results, we further reveal the sub-genome dominance and the genic expression of the different sub-genomes varying in relation to their transposable element (TE) density. The PUE genes in white lupin have been expanded through WGT as well as tandem and dispersed duplications.
Furthermore, we characterize four main pathways for high PUE, which include carbon fixation, cluster root formation, soil-P remobilization, and cellular-P reuse. Among these, auxin modulation may be important for cluster root formation through involvement of LaABCG37s. These findings provide insights into the genome evolution and low-P adaptation of white lupin.